Employees' rest breaks and their mental and physical health: results from a representative German survey

Der Tagungsbeitrag "Employees' rest breaks and their mental and physical health: results from a representative German survey" ist im Book of proceedings. 15th Conference of the EAOHP "Supporting knowledge comparison to promote good practice in occupational health psychology", 6-8 July 2022, Bordeaux erschienen (S. 119-120).

Bibliografische Angaben

Titel:  Employees' rest breaks and their mental and physical health: results from a representative German survey

Verfasst von:  L. Vieten, A. M. Wöhrmann, J. Wendsche, A. Michel

in: Book of proceedings. 15th Conference of the EAOHP "Supporting knowledge comparison to promote good practice in occupational health psychology", 6-8 July 2022, Bordeaux / K. Teoh, F. Frost, J. Singh, M. Charalampous, M. Muñoz (Hrsg.) Nottingham:  EAOHP, 2022.  Seiten: 119-120, Projektnummer: F 2507


ProjektnummerF 2507 StatusAbgeschlossenes Projekt Arbeitszeitberichterstattung für Deutschland: Wissenschaftliche Analysen zu aktuellen Themen

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