Does affective organizational commitment and experience of meaning at work predict risk of disability pensioning? An analysis of register-based outcomes using pooled data on 40,554 observations in four occupational groups

Der gesamte Artikel kann in englischer Sprache von der Internetseite des American Journal of Industrial Medicine, Volume 57, Ausgabe 6, S. 709-717 heruntergeladen werden: "Does affective organizational commitment and experience of meaning at work predict risk of disability pensioning? An analysis of register-based outcomes using pooled data on 40,554 observations in four occupational groups" (ggfs. kostenpflichtig).


Titel:  Does affective organizational commitment and experience of meaning at work predict risk of disability pensioning? An analysis of register-based outcomes using pooled data on 40,554 observations in four occupational groups. 

VerfasstVon  T. Clausen, H. Burr, V. Borg

in: American Journal of Industrial Medicine, Volume 57, Ausgabe 6, 2014.  Seitenanzahl 709-717, Projektnummer: F 2295, DOI: 10.1002/ajim.22313


ProjektnummerF 2295 StatusAbgeschlossenesProjekt Arbeit, Alter und Gesundheit

