RAB 01 Subject, Origin, Structure, Application and Coming into Effect of RABs

[BArbBl. 1/2001, p. 77 ff.]
as of: 02.11.2000

The Rules for Occupational Safety and Health on Construction Sites (RAB) reflect the state of the art with regard to safety and health protection on construction sites. They are drawn up by the Committee for Safety and Health Protection on Construction Sites (ASGB) and are adapted by this Committee in accordance with developments.

The RAB rules are published by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Labour in the Federal Journal (Bundesarbeitsblatt BArbBl.).


  • 1 Subject
  • 2 Origin
  • 3 Structure
  • 4 Application
  • 5 Coming into Effect

Please download the complete RAB 01 "Subject, Origin, Structure, Application and Coming into Effect of RABs".


RAB 01 "Subject, Origin, Structure, Application and Coming into Effect of RABs"

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