Human-centred working conditions as factors in organisations’ success
The world of work is evolving and companies are changing with it. They also have a duty to put suitable forms of occupational safety and health (OSH) provision in place for their employees.

Human-centred working conditions depend partly on the right organisational arrangements being made in the workplace. Executives and managers in particular play a key role in this respect. At the same time, they are also affected by the changes taking place.
The human-centred design of work is particularly challenging when a job involves a variety of physical and mental demands, such as in inpatient and outpatient nursing, where the close connection between OSH provision and organisations’ success becomes clear. Only if working conditions are attractive for employees will it be possible to attract enough people to the care professions in future.
Flexible forms of employment such as temporary work, fixed-term contracts and solo self-employment are becoming increasingly important. Mobile working using information and communication technologies outside the premises of an organisation or workplace has also become widespread. This makes it all the more important to recognise the opportunities and risks of these forms of employment and work for people’s health and to take them into account when designing workplaces.