- Project number: F 2305
- Institution: University of Leipzig, Department of Psychology II; Work and Organizational Psychology
- Status: Completed Project
Apart from the European Restructuring Monitor (ERM) there are barely systematic approaches available to picture the ongoing restructuring in Europe and Germany in particular. As the mentioned monitor has its limitations quantitative data as for the restructuring in Germany as well as qualitative research in terms of health impacts are missing. Yet more knowledge in this respect is necessary as from Scandinavian studies we know that restructuring may affect the employees' health severely. Thus this study aims at generating a quantitative map of the German ongoing restructuring tackling problems such as what forms of restructuring dominate in the different branches, organisational sizes, regions etc. It tackles the following issues:
- Categorisation of forms of restructuring
- Quantitative analysis of restructuring (with respect to branches, organisational size, regions, duration of restructuring)
- Reasons for / objectives of restructuring
- Restructuring stakeholders
- Description of restructuring processes
- Success vs. failure of restructuring
- Categorisation of data / tools which are available regarding interventions to mitigate negative impacts of restructuring.
Based on this quantitative approach future BAuA research will focus on a more detailed qualitative analysis with respect to the restructuring's impacts on health or respectively workability. Moreover concepts are to be developed to ensure and enlarge the employees' resources and maintain their workability in the continuously changing world of work.