Data-based overview of occupational health and safety in Germany
On behalf of the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS), the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA) produces an annual statistical report on the state of safety and health at work in Germany (formerly: Report on Accident Prevention at Work).
The report provides an overview of the state of occupational safety and health as well as its developments. Data from different thematic fields are analysed for the report:
- Accidents at work (including schoolchildren)
- Occupational diseases (including schoolchildren)
- Incapacity for work including cost estimations of losses
- Working conditions
- Retirement
- Personnel and activities of the Federal Labour Inspectorate and accident insurance agencies
In addition, reports of other important occupational safety and health actors such as the Joint German Occupational Safety and Health Strategy (GDA) are included. Furthermore, there is an alternating annual focus topic (except for the "more detailed" reports, see below).
Simplified use of the figures from the report
Since 2009, the report has also been available in a digitally enhanced version for downloading, containing Excel tables for (almost) all tables and illustrations with the respective numbers. In this way, readers can work with these numbers and use them for their own purposes. The reproduction and dissemination of the figures is permitted only with reference to the source. For the use in publications of all kinds (book contributions, articles, but also lectures), the following source is always to be cited: "BMAS/BAuA (year of publication, e.g. 2023): Safety and Health at Work - Reporting Year 2022. Downloaded from". If possible, the authors responsible are to be credited when articles on specific topics in the report are cited, for example "Hünefeld, L. & Schulz-Andres, J. (2023). Arbeits- und Gesundheitssituation von Frauen und Männern in geschlechtersegregierten und -integrierten Berufen. In: BMAS/BAuA (Eds.), Sicherheit und Gesundheit bei der Arbeit - Berichtsjahr 2022 (pp. 42-48)."
"More detailed" reports
The report is published in a more detailed form every four years (see Report 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 ...). While the other reports are largely limited to the representation of statistical data (presented in the form of tables and figures), the "more detailed" reports contain different articles and more detailed information on selected topics. In the case of these reports, no additional focus topic is selected.
Publication date and structure of the report
This report is finalised by the end of the year following the reporting year and is therefore only available at the beginning of the year after next. The report is divided into two parts: firstly, there is a text section that contains brief explanations of the statistical material offered; and, secondly, a table section with additional figures. For a better overview, references to related tables in the table part are contained in the text part.
For further detailed information please refer to our German Website.