Protecting workers when handling chemicals
Evaluating, assessing and managing risks: On this and the following web pages, you can learn about the fields in which the REACH Assessment Unit OSH is engaged.
The safe handling of chemicals in the workplace can only be ensured by characterising, assessing, and managing relevant risks. The Risk Assessment Unit for Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) (Bewertungsstelle für Sicherheit und Gesundheitsschutz der Beschäftigten), also known as the REACH Assessment Unit OSH, makes use of the procedures provided for under the European REACH Regulation to support chemicals management.
Appropriate chemicals management depends on data about substances’ toxicology, exposure levels, and the implications for occupational healthcare. These data flow into a risk characterisation, which forms the basis for a risk assessment. Targeted regulatory risk management measures can subsequently be developed. Under the REACH Regulation, this is done in particular by conducting authorisation and restriction procedures.
One example of action being taken to manage risks under the REACH Regulation is the REACH restriction on the group of chemicals known as diisocyanates (DIIs), which was proposed by the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin, BAuA). Diisocyanates are an important class of substances for industry that are utilised in the production of materials containing polyurethane (e.g. varnishes, foams). Diisocyanates can trigger respiratory and dermal complaints, the most severe being asthma. The REACH restriction, which entered into force in 2020, features various provisions, including a mandatory requirement that training be provided to employees who come into contact with diisocyanates. Since 24 August 2023 it has been necessary for users to supply documentary evidence of the training they have received on the safe handling of these substances. If they cannot provide such proof of training, they are prohibited from using diisocyanates.
As a departmental research institution, BAuA also examines the impact its regulatory measures have on the efforts being made to improve health protection for employees.
A recent example of this is the market analysis Manufacture, Import, and Use of Products Containing Diisocyanates with a Focus on the Construction Sector in the EU (in German), which was intended to give an overview of the current market situation. This was done by analysing how the levels of diisocyanates found in products have developed and investigating the effectiveness of risk mitigation measures that introduce new and improved product designs. The report on the market analysis was published at the end of 2023.
Another example is a cooperative project launched in the summer of 2023 with the participation of BAuA’s Toxicology Unit. This Germany-wide study is tracking exposure to DIIs and the health effects of the REACH restriction longitudinally at the workplace level, while simultaneously reviewing the effectiveness of the prescribed training courses. A detailed article about this subject can be found in BAUA: AKTUELL edition 3/2024 (p. 10) (in German).