Unit 5.1 REACH Helpdesk, Chemical Assessment

The REACH-CLP-Biozid Helpdesk provides advice and assistance to companies and private individuals. It is the national helpdesk in Germany pursuant to Article 124 of the REACH Regulation, Article 44 of the CLP Regulation and Article 81 of the Biocidal Products Regulation.

The unit's responsibilities comprise:

  • The helpdesk answers enquiries, in particular, from small and medium-sized enterprises. It also provides information and holds expert discussions and events. With its website, the helpdesk maintains an extensive online portal.
  • Harmonisation of information on REACH, CLP and biocidal products both nationally and within the EU. At the national level, the helpdesk is supported by an expert network of federal authorities and by the assessment units. These include Division 4 "Hazardous Substances and Biological Agents" of the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA), the Federal Environment Agency (UBA), the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR), and the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM). At EU level, the various helpdesk representatives from the EU Member States coordinate their response to frequently asked questions on REACH, CLP and biocidal products via EU's "HelpNet" network and participate in the preparation of EU guidance documents. This harmonised information is published on the website of the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA).
  • For data on REACH, CLP and biocidal products, the unit acts as an interface for the exchange of information between the ECHA, the Assessment Units, and the federal states. This includes, for example, exchanging results from dossier evaluations or information on the authorisation procedure.
  • The unit works alongside the participating higher federal authorities to coordinate the evaluation of registration dossiers for compliance with the REACH requirements and the testing proposals submitted to ECHA. Within this context, it provides information to the enforcement authorities of the federal states.
  • Preparation of Annex XV dossiers for the harmonised classification and labelling of hazardous substances (CLH). The higher federal authorities for the areas of the environmental protection (UBA), consumer protection (BfR) and occupational safety and health (BAuA Division 4) are also substantially involved in preparing the dossiers.
  • Examination of substance identity and physical/chemical data in registration dossiers and testing proposals, in the identification of substances of very high concern (SVHCs), in the preparation of dossiers for the classification of hazardous substances (CLH dossiers), and within the evaluation of biocidal products.
  • Support is provided to the federal states in questions regarding the monitoring of REACH and CLP.

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WissD'in Dr Suzanne Wiandt

Head of
Unit 5.1 REACH Helpdesk, Chemical Assessment

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