F 1898 |
Methods to comply with action and limit values to support the German ordinance transposing the EU-Directive 2003/10/EC Noise into national law
F 2036 |
Protective components to reduce solar UV exposure at outdoor workers
F 2060 |
Noise emission classes of office computer systems
F 2115 |
Measurement procedure for the risk assessment of light emitting diodes (LEDs)
F 2158 |
Safety installations for hand-guided laser machining
F 2161 |
Auralization for office design
F 2170 |
Noise exposure of pupils
F 2292 |
Decision-making aids for acquiring products conforming with health and safety and usability - II.2 "Noise emission declarations in practice (NOMAD)"
F 2293 |
Decision-making aids for acquiring products conforming with health and safety and usability - III.1 "Guideline for SME for choosing quiet machines"
F 2294 |
Decision-making aids for acquiring products conforming with health and safety and usability - III.2 "Guideline for purchasing usable operating software"
F 2310 |
Dazzling by artificial optical radiation under mesopic conditions
F 2311 |
ISOMAG 2.0 - Additions and Modifications
F 2335 |
Laser resistance of protective filters as a function of beam diameter
F 2347 |
Simplification of noise emission measurement methods for the application in practice
F 2355 |
Determination of the actual light exposure from natural and artificial sources with regard to circadian effects in shift-working employees - Joint project between BAuA and PHE
F 2368 |
UV radiation exposure during welding, Subproject 1 "Determination of UV exposure during welding"
F 2377 |
UV radiation exposure during welding, Subproject 2 "Biological efficacy of intermittent and pulsed incoherent optical radiation"
F 2392 |
Simulated room acoustics of exemplary offices
F 2422 |
UV radiation exposure during welding, Subproject 3 "Requirements for protective components during welding"
F 2427 |
Effects of the acoustical work environment on reading performance and well-being in employees
F 2438 |
Noise emissions from machines - simple approximate determination of the environmental correction for the noise emission determination
F 2442 |
Ageing resistance of laser protection filters
F 2443 |
Headphones and Headsets for reducing background speech in office work
F 2448 |
Effect of light on the alertness during the day: Dependence on the spectral composition of light and the exposure time
F 2449 |
Occupational circadian effective light exposure
F 2450 |
Practice-oriented simplification of noise emission measurement methods, Sub-project 2: Improving the practicability of the sound intensity method
F 2451 |
Practical Approach for Sound Prediction on the Basis of Noise Emission Data
F 2483 |
Simplified risk assessment of incoherent high-power spotlights
F 2495 |
Practice-oriented simplification of noise emission measurement methods - SP 4: Determining the local environmental correction for the emission sound pressure level according to DIN EN ISO 11202
F 2496 |
Non-visual effectiveness of light at night as a function of the light direction
F 2550 |
Comparison of the requirements for lighting in workplaces in the German regulations of the state and the social accident insurance institutions with the requirements in standardization