Study: Investigation of Home Care Employees' Working and Health Situations in Germany


The delivery of services at home for people who require long-term care is becoming more significant in Germany on account of demographic changes and the growing proportion of elderly people who wish to live in their own homes for as long as possible. At the same time the specialist literature on work and health in the home care industry highlights a clear need for conditions to be improved in this field.
Home care workers, many of whom come from outside Germany, earn their living by travelling to private households, where they support and look after people in need of long-term care. They are a group that have received little attention from ergonomics research until now, but are probably subject to heavy workloads in the domiciliary care settings where they perform their tasks.

There have been no quantitative data available so far on the working and health situations of the 300,000-600,000 people Steiner et al. (2019) estimate to be doing jobs of this kind in Germany. The study aimed to contribute to closing this knowledge gap.

Conduct and aims of the study

Data on the working and health situations of home care workers in Germany were gathered by carrying out an online survey in June and July 2023, which the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin, BAuA) ran with support from the Berlin-based organisation Minor - project office for education and research (Minor - Projektkontor für Bildung und Forschung). 429 home care workers from Poland, Bulgaria, Croatia and Romania took part in the survey.

The aim was to produce an objective, factually based overview of the working and health situations of home care employees in Germany.

The study, one of a series of research projects conducted by BAuA’s Unit 3.3 on work organisation in Germany's health system, therefore addressed the need to strengthen the foundations for round-the-clock care in the family home that had been identified in the German Federal Government’s 2021 coalition agreement. From the perspective of ergonomics, it was intended to help improve working conditions for individuals employed in care and the wider health sector. Furthermore, it generated findings about home care employees who work in domiciliary settings as a specific group. The data collected forms the basis for deriving recommendations for improving the work situation of home care workers.

Study results published in four fact sheets

We have published four fact sheets in German summarising the results arrived at concerning home care employees’ working and health situations (download below). Additionally, the fact sheets are available in the four languages of the respondents' countries of origin (Polish, Bulgarian, Croatian, and Romanian).


Arbeit in der häuslichen Betreuung I: Menschen und Arbeitssituationen

baua: Facts 2023

Mehr als 4 Millionen Pflegebedürftige werden in Deutschland zu Hause versorgt. Eine Gruppe, die dafür seit Jahren einen wichtigen Beitrag leistet und bislang wenig Aufmerksamkeit im ambulanten Versorgungssetting erfuhr, sind die schätzungsweise 300.000 bis 600.000 häuslichen Betreuungskräfte. …

To the Publication

Arbeit in der häuslichen Betreuung II: Anforderungen und Ressourcen im Arbeitsalltag

baua: Facts 2024

In einer Online-Befragung geben in Deutschland tätige häusliche Betreuungskräfte aus Polen, Bulgarien, Kroatien und Rumänien Auskunft zu ihren Aufgaben, arbeitsbedingten Anforderungen und Ressourcen. Gefährdungen resultieren vor allem aus der Interaktionsarbeit mit Pflegebedürftigen und deren …

To the Publication

Arbeit in der häuslichen Betreuung III: Gesundheit und Zufriedenheit

baua: Facts 2024

Ein gesundes Leben für alle Menschen jeden Alters gehört zu den 17 Zielen der Vereinten Nationen für nachhaltige Entwicklung. Häusliche Betreuungskräfte leisten hierzu in der ambulanten Versorgung einen wichtigen Beitrag. Anhand der Ergebnisse einer Online-Befragung werden Gesundheitsindikatoren …

To the Publication

Arbeit in der häuslichen Betreuung IV: Dringender Handlungsbedarf

baua: Facts 2024

Häusliche Betreuungskräfte gehören in Deutschland zu den marginalisierten Gruppen Erwerbstätiger. Ihre Arbeitssituation ist nicht selten durch fehlende vertragliche Regelungen, überlange Arbeitszeiten, kritische Interaktionen oder Vereinbarkeitskonflikte zwischen Arbeit und anderen Lebensbereichen …

To the Publication

Translations (Polish/Bulgarian/Croatian/Romanian)

baua: Facts "Praca w opiece domowej I: Ludzie i ich sytuacja zawodowa"

(PDF, 382 KB, Barrier-free file)


baua: Facts "Praca w opiece domowej II: Wymagania i zasoby w codziennej pracy"

(PDF, 519 KB, Barrier-free file)


baua: Facts "Praca w opiece domowej III: Zdrowie i zadowolenie"

(PDF, 319 KB, Barrier-free file)


baua: Facts "Praca w opiece domowej IV: Nagląca potrzeba podjęcia działań"

(PDF, 294 KB, Barrier-free file)


baua: Facts "Работа в областта на домашното обгрижване I: Хора и ситуации в контекста на работната среда"

(PDF, 317 KB, Barrier-free file)


baua: Facts "Работа в областта на домашното обгрижване II: Изисквания и ресурси в работното ежедневие"

(PDF, 521 KB, Barrier-free file)


baua: Facts "Работа в областта на домашното обгрижване III: Здраве и удовлетвореност на работното място"

(PDF, 310 KB, Barrier-free file)


baua: Facts "Работа в областта на домашното обгрижване IV: Спешна необходимост от подобрения в този работен сектор"

(PDF, 285 KB, Barrier-free file)


baua: Facts "Rad u kućnoj njezi I: Ljudi i uvjeti rada"

(PDF, 373 KB, Barrier-free file)


baua: Facts "Rad u kućnoj njezi II: Uvjeti i resursi u svakodnevnom radu"

(PDF, 347 KB, Barrier-free file)


baua: Facts "Rad u kućnoj njezi III: Zdravlje i zadovoljstvo"

(PDF, 291 KB, Barrier-free file)


baua: Facts "Rad u kućnoj njezi IV: Hitna potreba za djelovanjem"

(PDF, 244 KB, Barrier-free file)


baua: Facts "Munca în îngrijirea la domiciliu I: Oameni și situații de muncă"

(PDF, 364 KB, Barrier-free file)


baua: Facts "Munca în îngrijirea la domiciliu II: Cerințe și resurse în activitatea de zi cu zi"

(PDF, 502 KB, Barrier-free file)


baua: Facts "Munca în îngrijirea la domiciliu III: Sănătate și satisfacție"

(PDF, 304 KB, Barrier-free file)


baua: Facts "Munca în îngrijirea la domiciliu IV: Nevoie urgentă de acțiune"

(PDF, 297 KB, Barrier-free file)



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