Biocides Assessment Unit OSH

The Biocidal Products Regulation (EU) no. 528/2012 governs the provision of biocidal products on the European market and their use. It provides for a two-stage process in which biocidal agents are added to a positive list. Subsequently, applications for the approval of biocidal products with active agents listed must be made.

The Chemicals Act (Chemikaliengesetz) designates BAuA as the assessment body for employee safety and health in terms of the implementation of the Biocidal Products Regulation (EU) no. 528/2012. The duties of the Risk Assessment Unit are represented by Division 4.

To enable a safe use of biocidal products, specific occupational safety and health measures need to be formulated. This requires realistic modelling of exposure scenarios and RMM proven in practice. In various projects, Division 4 has determined safe tasks applying different biocides. Based on these projects, Fb 4 develops concepts for the assessment of biocides and contributes them to the ECHA committees and EU guidance documents on biocides. The ECHA documents "Biocides Human Health Exposure Methodology" and recommendations of the "Ad hoc Working Group - Human Exposure" are the important basis for the assessment. Fb 4 is continuously involved in the further development of the above-mentioned documents and is a member of the ECHA committees relevant to occupational safety and health, such as the "Working Group Human Health" and the "Ad hoc Working Group - Human Exposure". 

In addition to chemical substances, Fb 4 also assesses biocidal microorganisms and is represented in the ECHA "Working Group Ad hoc Working Group - Microorganisms".

Current Issues


Wood preservatives - Exposure assessment for the professional user from the perspective of the risk assessment unit for occupational safety

Publishing year: 2014

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