Development and modernisation of the teaching concept for Product Safety in University Education (PROSUmEr)

Designing products, such as machines, in line with safety and health requirements can contribute significantly to avoiding hazards posed by dangerous products. In this respect, higher education is required to provide future professionals with comprehensive and profound knowledge in order to prevent hazards at an early stage. For this purpose, a blended learning concept for higher education had already been implemented since 2009 on behalf of the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA) and was recently refined in terms of its content, didactics, technical aspects and licensing by the TU Dresden (TUD). The updated educational concept consists of five topics comprising a total of 14 learning modules. For each topic, a learning arrangement and a knowledge module have been implemented as central documents alongside multimedia presentation slides, exercises and examination tasks, and a web-based learning application. A flexible, target group-oriented use of the educational concept in academic teaching and learning is facilitated by the modular structure and the parallel implementation of the learning content within the classroom learning materials and the web application. Its numerous practical exercises promote practice-oriented knowledge construction, foster learning transfer and thus, provide students with an ideal preparation for their future work. The teaching and learning materials, which can also be used with mobile devices, are provided as open educational resources (OER). They can be used by members of all interested institutions and university chairs who have already been teaching in the field of product and machinery safety or would like to do so in future. This licensing model allows users to actively participate in updating and enhancing the teaching and learning materials. The educational concept is provided using a cross-university learning management system that contains document management services as well as a variety of digital communication and collaboration tools, including forums, digital learning diaries, and wikis. These tools are meant to extend the methodical applications of the educational concept. The concept has been evaluated using a comprehensive mixed-method design involving students from the immediate target group. The results of the evaluation attest to the high quality of the educational concept and indicate its manifold opportunities for being used in higher education. The specified technical and legal conditions furthermore permit secondary target groups such as vocational schools and enterprises to use and adapt the provided materials free of charge.

Bibliographic information

Title:  Development and modernisation of the teaching concept for Product Safety in University Education (PROSUmEr). 

Written by:  J. Dyrna, D. Gnauck, K. Höhn, T. Köhler, M. Pump, U. Schirwitz, M. Schmauder

1. edition.  Dortmund:  Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin, 2019.  pages: 20, Project number: F 2395, paper, PDF file, DOI: 10.21934/baua:report20190730

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Research Project

Project numberF 2395 StatusCompleted Project Further development and modernisation of the teaching concept on product safety for university education (PROSUmEr)

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Research completed