Ageing- and age-appropriate work design - Basics and fields of action for the practice

(in German)

The average age of the workforce in the companies is increasing. At the same time, the available so-called labour force potential, i.e., the people of working age, is decreasing. It is a major challenge for many companies to remain innovative, flexible and competitive in these circumstances. The need to make work more humane and thus more suitable for the elderly has grown in the face of demographic change. The aim is to keep qualified and high-performing personnel in the company as long as possible and to give the employees the opportunity to retire in healthy condition.

Research results show that working conditions have different effects on different age groups. An age-appropriate work organisation is therefore useful if one wants to promote and use the performance and the workability of the employees. Well-designed working conditions are not only required by law, but also contribute to work satisfaction, motivation, company loyalty and reduced absenteeism. They therefore pay off short-term, middle-term and long-term for the employees as well as for the companies.

It is not the demographic change alone which provides for more and on average older employees in German companies. Moreover, changes in pension rights prolong the duration of their working lives, and the average age of the workforce continues to rise on average. It is therefore becoming more and more important for companies and politicians to shape their employment and working conditions in terms of health and age(ing).

Please download the complete brochure "Ageing- and age-appropriate work design" (in German only).

Bibliographic information

Title:  Alterns- und altersgerechte Arbeitsgestaltung - Grundlagen und Handlungsfelder für die Praxis. 

Written by:  I. Mühlenbrock

2. edition.  Dortmund:  Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin, 2017. 
ISBN: 978-3-88261-216-5, pages: 100, paper, PDF file, DOI: 10.21934/baua:praxis20161116

Further Information