Manual work processes

(in German)

Manual work processes are a type of physical workload characterised by uniform, repetitive movements and applications of force using the hands. These activities are usually carried out in a stationary, seated or standing position. They can cause a range of conditions, including the irritation of tendons, muscle tensions, and joint wear and tear . It is most common for the upper extremities (fingers, hands, lower and upper arms, shoulders) to be affected.

This baua: Guidance on manual work processes explains how a risk assessment is carried out using the multilevel Key Indicator Methods Inventory. It has been drawn up to assist workplace practitioners such as managers, people responsible for work design, employee representative bodies, occupational safety and health specialists, and occupational physicians. It will help ensure hazards attributable to manual work can be identified and workplaces designed appropriately, thus preventing cases of disease.

The first chapter presents an overview of the Key Indicator Methods Inventory. The second chapter sets out the general principles that inform this approach. The third chapter describes the steps involved - all of which are spelled out with clear references to the relevant forms.

Please download the complete brochure "Manual work processes - Risk assessment using the key indicator method" (in German only).

Bibliographic information

Title:  Manuelle Arbeitsprozesse. Gefährdungsbeurteilung mit der Leitmerkmalmethode

1. edition.  Dortmund: , 2022. 
ISBN: 978-3-88261-743-6, pages: 56, paper, PDF file, DOI: 10.21934/baua:praxis20220210

Further Information