Work-related stress and incident asthma and rhinitis: results from the SOLAR study

The complete article "Work-related stress and incident asthma and rhinitis: results from the SOLAR study" can be downloaded at the website of the Journal "International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health", Volume 92, Issue 5, pp. 673-681 (charges may apply).

Bibliographic information

Title:  Work-related stress and incident asthma and rhinitis: results from the SOLAR study. 

Written by:  F. Forster, T. Weinmann, J. Gerlich, W. Schlotz, G. Weinmayr, J. Genuneit, D. Windstetter, C. Vogelberg, E. von Mutius, D. Nowak, K. Radon

in: International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, Volume 92, Issue 5, 2019.  pages: 673-681, DOI: 10.1007/s00420-019-01402-x