Effort–Reward Imbalance at Work and Incident Coronary Heart Disease: A Multicohort Study of 90,164 Individuals

The complete article "Effort–Reward Imbalance at Work and Incident Coronary Heart Disease: A Multicohort Study of 90,164 Individuals" can be downloaded at the website of the Journal "Epidemiology", Volume 28, Issue 4, pp. 619-626 (charges may apply).

Bibliographic information

Title:  Effort–Reward Imbalance at Work and Incident Coronary Heart Disease: A Multicohort Study of 90,164 Individuals. 

Written by:  N. Dragano, J. Siegrist, S. T. Nyberg, T. Lunau, E. I. Fransson, L. Alfredsson, J. B. Bjorner, M. Borritz, H. Burr, R. Erbel, G. Fahlén, M. Goldberg, M. Hamer, K. Heikkilä, K.-H. Jöckel, A. Knutsson, I. E. Madsen, M. Nielsen, M. Nordin, T. Oksanen, et al.

in: Epidemiology, Volume 28, Issue 4, 2017.  pages: 619-626, DOI: 10.1097/EDE.0000000000000666

Further Information