- Project number: F 2583
- Institution: Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA)
- Status: Ongoing Project
- Planned end: 2029-06-30
During the SARS-CoV-2-pandemic, medical masks or respirators were used both for self-protection and protection of others. It has been well studied for many parameters how wearing masks/ respirators affects people. However, it is not yet known how the composition of particles in the breath changes when masks or respirators are worn.
We are therefore investigating the spectrum and composition of exhaled particles during and directly after wearing medical masks or respiratory protective equipment at different physical stress levels.
For this purpose, test subjects wear masks or respirators and are subjected to physical stress, while the spectrum of the particles is analysed at the same time. Immediately afterwards, particles are collected on filters during exhalation and proteins are extracted from the filters. The quantity of certain lung-specific proteins is analysed using a method that is being developed in parallel in the research project F 2584.
The information obtained in the project is important for assessing the protection of others of wearing masks and respirators and the necessity of their tight fit.