Implementation of a Method for Remote Access for the Research Data Centre of the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (FDZ-BAuA)

  • Project number: F 2559
  • Status: Ongoing Project
  • Planned end: 2027-01-31


The Research Data Centre of the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (FDZ-BAuA) offers researchers access to BAuA‘s research data for use in their own research projects. The aim of the project is to enable access via FDZ-BAuA to less anonymised research data that cannot be used by researchers outside the BAuA up to now.

As part of the project, existing tools for the data protection-compliant use of less anonymised research data and their advantages and disadvantages for opening up new scientific analysis possibilities will first be compared.

The findings will be used to develop a remote access tool for FDZ-BAuA. Such a tool allows sensitive data to remain in the institution holding the data, but external researchers can analyse this data remotely in a secure environment. The developed tool for remote data access will be tested in a pilot phase and scientifically accompanied in the course of the project.

The first data to be offered via remote access will be datasets from the BAuA-Working Time Survey, which contain more extensive and detailed information than the de-facto anonymised scientific use files currently available at FDZ-BAuA.

Overall, the project is intended to open up new analytical potential for scientific research projects on safety and health at work.

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