Subproject 1: Development of recommendations for interventions with the aim to prevent health consequences of sedentary work
Subproject 2: Assessment of different work environments on sedentary behaviour and physical activity in sedentary work - a field study
- Project number: F 2499
- Institution: Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA)
- Status: Ongoing Project
- Planned end: 2024-12-31
Sedentary behaviour / sedentary work, characterised by low energy expenditure, is a risk for cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. As digitalisation increases, so does sedentary work and the risk of these diseases. According to a forecast by the Robert Koch Institute, more than 10 million people in Germany will be affected by type 2 diabetes by 2040. Therefore, strategies for more movement in the office are necessary to maintain good health.
As part of a field study (SITFLEX) with a mixed method approach (quantitative and qualitative investigations), we examined the influence of different working environments on sitting and movement. Differences in sitting and movement behaviour at the workplace and while working from home are also examined. This is particularly important, as people are working from home more frequently since the COVID-19 pandemic. A systematic review also examines the results of other studies on the effect of working from home on sitting and physical activity.
Based on the study results, recommendations for interventions that aim to prevent the health consequences of sedentary work will be developed together with the stakeholders of the company cooperating in the field study.