Evaluation of practised psychosocial risk assessment and management in companies

  • Project number: F 2193
  • Institution: Rolf Satzer - Forschung - Beratung - Umsetzung (FBU)
  • Status: Completed Project


There is increasing recognition that psychosocial risks and chronic stress at the workplace adversely affect occupational safety and health as well as work quality and performance of the work force. Under European and national law, employers have a legal obligation to protect employees against hazards at the workplace. This duty covers also the less tangible psychosocial hazards. However, there still is a considerable discrepancy between this legal obligation and scientific expertise on the one hand and the relatively sparse level of implementation of an overall risk assessment at company level on the other hand.

This project aims at filling this gap by stocktaking and evaluating the 'state of art' of practised psychosocial risk assessment in companies. The project results will be used primarily to support the exchange of experiences and to help companies to learn from each other in this respect. The project will also deliver results as to how existing tools. Instruments and procedures for psychosocial risk assessment and management should be elaborated in such a way that that they are scientifically sound and at the same time comparatively easy to apply at company level. The project results will also be published by BAuA to address companies, and they will be used for the emerging new BAuA online tool "Stress-Portal".


Erfahrungen zur Umsetzung der Gefährdungsbeurteilung bei psychischen Belastungen

Publishing year: 2010

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Unit 3.2 "Mental Workload and Mental Health"

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