Project Bundle 5 "Possibilities and opportunities of an AmI-based regulation of ventilation and air-conditioning systems"

When it comes to energy and physiological matters, the establishment of a comfortable, healthily conducive indoor climate, i.e. one which encourages performance, is one of the complex problems in the area of technical services in buildings. This is also due to the matter of inter-individual preferences. While there is extensive knowledge available on the theoretical relations between influencing factors, conventional ventilation and air-conditioning systems do not allow for individually oriented control mechanisms. This opens up the chances for an AmI-based building automation system: a microcomputer integrated in the building or working room uses appropriate sensors (e.g. temperature, humidity) to determine the actual situation and automatically regulates the state of the indoor climate by transmitting control signals to the building's existing technical systems as a function of the presence of people, where relevant also of their individual needs.

The aim of the project bundle is to study the possibilities and limits of climate regulation using conventional systems as compared to AmI systems and to formulate approaches to improving the regulation of ventilation and air-conditioning systems with the inclusion of AmI systems. This is done by way of example, taking the phenomenon of "dry air" in offices: for this purpose it is intended to conduct series of experiments both on dummies and test subjects in order to develop, test and implement a concept for laboratory and field study which encompasses the relations between room climate exposure variables (relative humidity, air movement, air temperature etc.) and physiological parameters (e.g. skin moistness, blinking, tear film break-up time). The knowledge acquired is to be applied in the programming of the AmI modules.

Research Project