Unit 5.2 Evaluation of Chemicals and Risk Management

The evaluation of chemicals and the resulting risk management measures are statutory tasks according to the REACH and CLP Regulations. Within this context, Unit 5.2 represents the overall German position to the outside and in particular to the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA).

Specifically, the responsibilities of Unit 5.2 are as follows:

  • Preparation of Annex XV dossiers for the identification of substances of very high concern and for the restriction of hazardous substances. The higher federal authorities for the areas of the environmental protection (Federal Environment Agency, UBA), consumer protection (Federal Institute for Risk Assessment, BfR) and occupational safety and health (Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Division 4) are also substantially involved in preparing the dossiers.
  • Evaluation of substances as part of the substance evaluation procedure under REACH. Preparation of the associated documents, such as the draft decision with requests, the conclusion document, and the SEv report with the participation of Germany's competent higher federal authorities.
  • Examination of and commenting on Annex XV dossiers and draft decisions of other Member States within the scope of statutory commenting rounds.
  • Support for the German representatives in the Committees for Risk Assessment (RAC) and for Socio-economic Analysis (SEAC). These ECHA committees develop recommendations on hazardous substances as templates for statutory decision-making by the European Commission.
  • The procedures in accordance with the REACH and CLP Regulations are conducted largely electronically. To ensure data security within the context of efficient data management between federal authorities, federal states and on EU level, the unit is working on the development of corresponding tools for the secure exchange of data.
  • Holding company discussions within the scope of the aforementioned procedures in order to safeguard transparency and to exchange information.

In addition, the unit provides Germany's representative for the Member State Committee (MSC), which discusses and decides on evaluations (substance evaluation, dossier evaluation) and proposals for identification of substances of very high concern that are to be subjected to the authorisation procedure.

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RD Dr Markus Ehni

Head of
Unit 5.2 Evaluation of Chemicals and Risk Management

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