In 2017 the German Council of Science and Humanities began an evaluation of BAuA that has now been completed, reaching entirely positive conclusions.
The German Council of Science and Humanities (Wissenschaftsrat) evaluated the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin, BAuA) in 2017 on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales, BMAS). This evaluation was intended, in particular, to assess BAuA's scientific activities and performance of its science-based technical tasks, and to appraise its strategic significance as a ministerial research institution specialising in occupational safety and health.
In its initial statement adopted in April 2018, the Council of Science and Humanities praised the high overall quality of BAuA's work across all its areas of responsibility, and assessed the action being taken to strengthen research and development as part of BAuA's portfolio of tasks in highly complementary terms. At the same time the statement set out recommendations concerning the further development of the Federal Institute's structures and substantive work. A report on BAuA's implementation of these recommendations was submitted to the Council of Science and Humanities at the beginning of 2021. The Council deliberated on the report at its autumn meeting and adopted a second, final statement, in which it reached entirely positive conclusions. According to the Council, BAuA has addressed the recommendations made and successfully implemented them to a significant extent.
The steps taken to further develop BAuA's activities have included, in particular:
- the intensification of inter-divisional collaboration
- the stronger integration of the Federal Institute's different areas of responsibility
- wide-ranging activities to encourage early-career scientists
- increased scientific networking with higher education institutions
- the development of a publications strategy and third-party funding strategy
- the establishment of the Occupational Safety & Health in the Digital World of Work focus programme to promote in-depth examination of the changes taking place in the world of work
- the establishment of the Research Data Centre (Forschungsdatenzentrum, FDZ), which manages BAuA's extensive, valuable datasets
Finally, developments in the Federal Institute's science-based services and knowledge transfer methods were highlighted. Among them were the work done by the Federal Office for Chemicals (Bundesstelle für Chemikalien, BfC) to ensure chemical safety standards are also enforced outside Europe and BAuA's contributions to the debate about "novel, safe, and sustainable materials" at the national and European levels. Furthermore, favourable comments were made about the success the DASA Working World Exhibition (DASA Arbeitswelt Ausstellung) has had in developing digital displays.
BAuA's President, Isabel Rothe, said, "I am delighted the German Council of Science and Humanities has taken a positive view of, and give recognition to, our collective efforts to continually further develop the Federal Institute and implement the Council’s recommendations. This will be important in helping to consolidate our strong position in the field of occupational safety and health."
For further information please refer to our German Website.