Training sessions and seminars on safety data sheets

The safety data sheet must be compiled by a competent person and take the requirements of the user into consideration. To achieve the required level of expertise, the appropriate training and practical experience are necessary.

In general, the following applies: those responsible for compiling safety data sheets should refresh their knowledge on a regular basis. If checks are carried out by the appropriate authorities, proof of having attended a training session can be helpful.

Knowledge of the legal positioning, informative value and use of safety data sheets is also helpful for the purpose of the in-house management of hazardous substances.

In the following list, you will find addresses of organisations which offer the appropriate services.

In this respect, however, it is necessary to take the following information into account:

  • Inclusion in the list does not amount to a recommendation of the service provider or the event. The details only serve the purpose of the initial contact between the customer and service provider.
  • The providers of training and contents of the training listed here have not been checked for their quality, suitability, performance capacity, etc.
  • The details are based exclusively on information from the providers of the training. We are unable to accept any responsibility for such information or for the information on linked websites.
  • The list can be extended at any time upon request.
  • The service providers listed are not ranked in order of importance.
  • If you would like to be included on the list or find any addresses which are wrong or out of date, please use the contact data provided below to notify us accordingly.

Please download the complete list of providers on our German Website.


Elke Büdeker

Unit 4.I.1 Hazardous Substances in OSH, Coordination CLP

Phone: +49 231 9071-2322
Fax: +49 231 9071-2611

Contact form