Risk Assessment of Activities involving Biological Agents

The risk assessment for biological agents at the workplace includes the conducted activities, the occurring of biological agents and their quantity, exposure scenarios, experience from comparable activities and derived protective measures to minimize exposure at the workplace.

In addition to infectious effects, biological agents can also have sensitising and toxic effects. These may occur simultaneously, but must be assessed separately. In the risk assessment, the hazards arising from activities with biological agents must be evaluated. Pre-existing conditions or other individual dispositions that may lead to an increased risk to the affected employees must be taken into account as part of occupational health prevention.

The most important sources of information for the risk assessment of activities involving biological agents are Technical Rule for Biological Agents 400 (Technische Regel für Biologische Arbeitsstoffe, TRBA 400) and the various sector-specific Technical Rules for Biological Agents. Further information and the legal foundations of risk assessment can be found on the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin, BAuA) risk assessment portal.

Further Information

More about Biological Agents | Infection Control