A brave new world of trade? Working conditions in the retail sector

Employing 3.5 million people (Federal Statistical Office, 2012), the retail sector is one of Germany's economic sectors with the largest workforce and has experienced a multitude of changes over the last few years. At the same time, changes have occurred not only in the retail landscape itself – as a result of the growing number of discounters and specialist chains - but also in the framework conditions for employment. For example, extended shop opening hours have led to an increase in atypical working hours. Based on the BIBB/BAuA 2012 Employment Survey, this factsheet describes physical and mental working conditions, resources and health disturbances commonly experienced by employees in foodstuffs, drinks and tobacco retail, in other parts of the retail sector, and in other sectors.

Bibliographic information

Title:  A brave new world of trade? Working conditions in the retail sector. BIBB/BAuA-Factsheet 16

Written by:  W. Leistner, A. Lohmann-Haislah

1. edition.  Dortmund:  Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin, 2015.  pages: 2, PDF file

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