Emissions from pig barns - Investigation on the composition of bacterial community and antibiotic resistance

(in German)

The complete article can be purchased in German at the website of the Journal "Gefahrstoffe - Reinhaltung der Luft", 76(2016) Issue 1-2, pp. 31-38: "Emissions from pig barns - Investigation on the composition of bacterial community and antibiotic resistance" (charges may apply).

Bibliographic information

Title:  Emissionen aus Schweinemastanlagen - Untersuchungen zur Zusammensetzung der Bakteriengemeinschaft und Antibiotikaresistenz. 

Written by:  A. Gärtner, A. Gessner, S. Gromöller, K. Klug, S. Knust, U. Jäckel

in: Gefahrstoffe - Reinhaltung der Luft 76(2016) Issue 1-2, 2016.  pages: 31-38, Project number: F 2331

Further Information

Research Project

Project numberF 2331 StatusCompleted Project Antibiotic-resistant bacteria in emissions from the industrial livestock farming

To the Project

Research completed