
The Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA) contributed to the following articles which have been published in international scientific journals.

Further articles that have been published in German language only can be found on our German website.


Most recent

Organizational change: challenges for workplace psychosocial risks and employee mental health

Publishing year: 2024

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The accessibility of digital technologies for people with visual impairment and blindness: a scoping review

Publishing year: 2024

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Roadmap towards safe and sustainable advanced and innovative materials. (Outlook for 2024-2030)

Publishing year: 2024

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The relationship between physical and psychosocial workplace exposures and life expectancy free of musculoskeletal and cardiovascular disease in working life - an analysis based on German health insurance data

Publishing year: 2024

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Exploring work ability, psychosocial job demands and resources of employees in low-skilled jobs: a German cross-sectional study

Publishing year: 2024

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A generic approach to estimate airborne concentrations of substances released by indoor spray processes using a deterministic 2-box model

Publishing year: 2024

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Most popular

The development of working life expectancy without musculoskeletal diseases against the backdrop of extended working lives

Publishing year: 2024

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Leader-member exchange differentiation and followers' psychological strain: exploring relations on the individual and on the team-level

Publishing year: 2024

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The analysis of collective orientation and process feedback in relation to coordination and performance in interdependently working teams

Publishing year: 2024

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Authentic leadership - for better and for worse? Leader well-being and inconsistency as moderating factors in the relation between daily authentic leadership and follower well-being

Publishing year: 2024

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When help is not wanted: Frustrated needs and poor after-work recovery as consequences of unwanted help at work

Publishing year: 2024

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Inhalative health risks of dust particles and fibres

Publishing year: 2024

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