
BAuA's Scientific Library collects literature and information about occupational health and safety. The library's collection comprises about 200.000 items.

The collection is cultivated in regards to BAuA's specific duties in the fields of research, political consulting, transfer of knowledge to practice and the responsibilities of public administration.

Woman reading a book in the library
Quelle Sylwia Wisbar, BAuA

A high effectiveness in internal research and supply of information is given through the availability of digital journals and databases on the intranet. The library supports BAuA employees and handles their requests (research and specific information). The team of the library performs a quality control before providing the search results to the employees. For research you can use the OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue) and the IPAC (Image Public Access Catalogue).

If you find what you were looking for you can order the publication via the interlibrary loan system. Please contact your local or institutional library for that.

Further Information


Library in Dortmund

Bibliothekssigel (inter-library loan system): Dm 19

Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
Scientific Information
Friedrich-Henkel-Weg  1-25
D-44149 Dortmund

Telefon +49 231 9071-2369

Library in Berlin

Bibliothekssigel (inter-library loan system): B 424

Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
Scientific Information
Nöldnerstr.  40-42
D-10317 Berlin

Telefon +49 30 51548-4545

Library in Dresden

Bibliothekssigel (inter-library loan system): D 122

Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
Scientific Information
Fabricestraße 8
D-01099 Dresden

Telefon +49 351 5639-5470
