Creativity and health at work - study to creativity-promoting working conditions in the economy

  • Project number: F 2244
  • Institution: Technische Universität München - Lehrstuhl für Psychologie
  • Status: Completed Project


Principal purpose of the project consists of developing on scientific-empirical basis measures to the promotion of creativity and health in the work. Since there is so far no empirical basis, a stocktaking is to be accomplished in enterprises with different creative requirements in a first work package. Since there is at present still no integrated relationship of work-related and behavior-related research for creativity promotion, which in operational practice worked satisfactorily, in the second work package such an intervention program is to be developed, operationally adapted and tested. In a third work package the effectiveness of this intervention program in a longitudinal design is to be evaluated.

1. Work package: Empirical stocktaking on promoting and restraining conditions for creativity and health A goal is it in a first work package to accomplish investigations in different enterprises with different creative requirements with the help of a study design developed for it. Suitable measures are to be identified to the regulation of creativity and/or indicators for creativity. The results are to lead to generally accepted statements concerning promoting and restraining conditions of work for creativity and health and contribute to the selection of the enterprises for the development of the intervention program

2. Work package: Development and testing of an intervention In a second step an intervention is to be developed for selected enterprises. Starting points are operational weak points and from the empirical stocktaking derived the recommendations for creativity and health-favorable work organization. In the focus the improvement of conditions of work of creatively working teams is to be located. Influences of the leadership behavior and management on the promotion of creativity in addition, the improvement of individual creativity on coworker level and other empirical occupied factors of influence are to be considered.

3. Work package: Evaluation of the program Work organization measures in selected enterprises are to be implemented for the promotion of creativity and health and to be evaluated systematically, in order to occupy the effectiveness of the intervention. A condition for the evaluation is the definition of so-called success criteria.


Creativity and health at work - assessment, intervention, evaluation

Publishing year: 2013

Suchergebnis_Format Report (in German)

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Create Health! - Arbeit kreativ, gesund und erfolgreich gestalten

Publishing year: 2015

Suchergebnis_Format Brochure

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Further Information


Unit 3.2 "Mental Workload and Mental Health"

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