GS Mark and Bodies

The GS mark stands for "geprüfte Sicherheit" (safety tested) and is a national "speciality". It may only be applied to ready-to-use products, such as electrical equipment, furniture or textiles.

The GS mark is not a comprehensive quality seal seeking to say anything about the lifespan or performance of a product, but it does provide - in contrast to the CE marking - genuine confirmation of safety. Its legal basis is provided in section 5 (§§ 20-23) of the Product Safety Act (ProdSG).

We summarized the most important information about the GS mark as FAQs for you:
Questions and answers about the GS mark

Search for GS bodies

You are looking for a GS body? On our German Website, BAuA provides notification of GS bodies according to § 23 para. 4 of the Product Safety Act (ProdSG). These GS bodies, which are recognised by the Zentralstelle der Länder für Sicherheitstechnik (ZLS), authorise and monitor the use of the GS mark according to section 5 (§§ 20-23) of the ProdSG.

Further Information