The Changing World of Work: Figures - Data - Facts (2014)
(in German)
The objective of this brochure isn't to reduce the topic of occupational safety and health to numbers and diagrams. All the same, figures, data and facts offer a rapid introduction to several topics: trends are recognised, focal points are visualised, and contexts are identified. "The changing world of work" focuses on the key factors surrounding the current world of work on a concise basis. In this respect, the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA) is pursuing several objectives. Facts and developments are highlighted on a condensed basis for the benefit of occupational safety and health professionals. This helps them to quickly find convincing arguments and to consider future developments in their own company. For interested members of the public, this brochure offers plenty of useful facts about the wide-ranging topic of occupational safety and health.
Although the prevention of accidents and occupational diseases naturally remains necessary, the approach of occupational safety and health has become significantly more broadly based. Relationships between working conditions and modern technology are considered, as well as social interactions among employees and the economic dimension of safe working conditions. We know that topics such as demographic change in our society are having a direct impact on our work and are challenging us to take action. "The changing world of work" brochure highlights some of these phenomena and suggests ways of dealing with the trends surrounding occupational safety and health in more detail.
Please download the complete brochure "The Changing World of Work: Figures - Data - Facts (2014)" (in German only).
Bibliographic information
Title: Arbeitswelt im Wandel: Zahlen - Daten - Fakten (2014).
1. edition.
, 2014.
ISBN: 978-3-88261-019-2, pages: 80, paper, PDF file