Risk analysis on the exposure to quartz dust and the occurence of chronic obstructive lung disease (COLD)

  • Project number: F 1931
  • Institution: Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA)
  • Status: Completed Project


Since 1995 chronic bronchitis and emphysema can be accepted as an occupational disease in coal miners. On the other hand lots of work places outside coal mining are characterized by relevant quartz dust exposure. In consequence risk assessment is needed for scientific based occupational exposure limits. Risk assessment will be based on a retrospective cohort-study. The cohort includes male Wismut-employees born 1955 to 1958. Exposure assessment on total, fine and quartz dust will be conducted by a dust-job exposure matrix based on job history. Outcome-variable of main interest is a decline of lung function measured by vital capacity (VC) and forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV-1).


The impact of respirable dust and respirable quartz on pulmonary function - results of a longitudinal study

Publishing year: 2014

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Re: Clinically significant lung function impairment due to current levels of respirable quartz? (authors' response)

Publishing year: 2013

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Der Einfluss von alveolengängigem Quarzstaub auf die Lungenfunktionsparameter - Ergebnisse einer Längsschnittanalyse

Publishing year: 2014

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Unit 3.4 "Medical Occupational Safety and Health, Occupational Diseases"

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