Statistics regarding Product Safety and the Bulk of Shortcomings

Each day, the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA) evaluates information regarding product shortcomings from an exceptional variety of different sources. At least once each year, we report about our knowledge of product safety in our information service.

Among other things, the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA) also supports the German market surveillance authorities with the development and completion of its monitoring concept. This process is executed, for example, based on the statistical evaluation of official reports regarding hazardous products, national notifications in the EU rapid alert system Safety Gate, and fatal accidents at work.

The reporting process in Germany

Fatal Work Accidents with and without product-reference

The annual statistics regarding product shortcomings, "Hazardous products - information on product safety", are available on our German Website to download as a PDF. We will gladly respond to individual data-related enquiries. Our publications also include the official announcements of the directories of standards and the interdiction orders issued by the market surveillance authorities.
