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Results 1,781 to 1,790 of a total of 1,799 for search term
The demographic challenge: work, age, and ... health?
H. M. Hasselhorn
in: Scandinavian journal of work, environment & health: Work, well-being and wealth: active ageing at work: Conference Abstracts; 26. - 28. August 2013 Helsinki, Finland 39, Issue 4, Suppl. 2013.
The effect of fore-and-aft vibration frequency and magnitude on the movement of the head
N. G. Forta, R. Mohrhardt, M. Schust
in: Proceedings of the 48th UK Conference on Human Response to Vibration, England, 16-18 September 2013 Southampton:
Institute of Sound and Vibration Research 2013.
The Gutenberg health study: measuring psychosocial factors at work and predicting health and work-related outcomes with the ERI and the COPSOQ questionnaire
M. Nübling, A. Seidler, S. Garthus-Niegel, U. Latza, M. Wagner, J. Hegewald, F. Liebers, S. Jankowiak, I. Zwiener, P. S. Wild, S. Letzel