Demand for occupational health care in Germany

(in German)

Doctors shortage in Germany causes deficits in occupational medicine. Simultaneously demand in companies for occupational health care related to the Occupational Safety Act rises steadily because of increasing demographic and economic requirements. This support gap is experienced frequently, when companies in more and more regions look for company doctors without success.

This report supplies solid data about demand and capacity of occupational health care in Germany in 2011 and forecasts the development of future demand for doctors qualified in occupational medicine for the year 2021. It is the final report of the research project of the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA) F 2326 "Description of actual demand for occupational health care in Germany und forecast of the development of future demand for doctors qualified in occupational medicine" executed in 2012. The results provided the basis for discussion on the conference for assurance of occupational health core procreation, which was arranged by the commission for occupational medicine on January, 14th 2013 in Berlin. A resolution to ensure procreation for company doctors was signed at the conference.

In view of less meaningful statistical data experts were interviewed to prepare, extrapolate and estimate data. To check plausibility und validity the experts were asked for feedback in several circles. Scenario technique was used to calculate present available capacity and demand in companies as well as future development of demand. Simulations were executed to estimate demand to reach the aims of occupational health care in the next ten years.

Balancing of capacity and demand (trend scenarios) reinforced the present perceived support gap of at least 4,7 million hours p.a. Stagnant certifications on present level will increase the support gap about 45 % to 6,8 million hours p.a. To close the support gap within the next 10 years more than 600 instead of the present 200 certifications p.a. for doctors qualified in occupational medicine are necessary.

To close the support gap step by step concerted action of all stakeholders and new ways of cooperative and efficient service provision are necessary. In parallel initiatives for quality management in occupational health care are demanded.

Please download the complete report "Demand for occupational health care in Germany" (in German only).

Bibliographic information

Title:  Arbeitsmedizinischer Betreuungsbedarf in Deutschland. FD100/37

Written by:  C. Barth, W. Hamacher, C. Eickholt

1. edition.  Dortmund:  Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin, 2014. 
ISBN: 978-3-88261-021-5, pages: 240, Project number: F 2326, PDF file

Further Information