Head-mounted displays - How to increase safety and reduce physical strain: Physical strain while using HMDs

(in German)

The results summarized in this report provide insights into relevant aspects of the use of head-mounted displays (HMDs) in an industrial practice. Users of these displays are provided with an overview of operating modes and effects on human users. The focus of this study is on long-term applications of more than 4 hours. The results of this study serve as design guidelines for manufacturers as well as instructions for the use of head-mounted displays in an industrial setting.

The topic and broad motivation of this study is introduced at first. Subsequently, different HMD types, target groups of potential users and uses cases are summarized. This research serves for identifying knowledge gaps in an industrial application. The second focus of interest is on methods suitable for assessing physiological stress and workload associated with HMDs. Because of the complexity of potential measures, a pretest to assess practical applicability of these measures has been carried out prior to the main empirical study. The results of this study serve as guidelines for manufacturers and users of HMDs. This enables them to design HMDs and use them with a minimum of workload and in a safe way. The report ends with a summary of the results and an outlook on future research approaches and possible developments.

Please download the complete report "Head-mounted displays - How to increase safety and reduce physical strain: Physical strain while using HMDs" (in German only).

Bibliographic information

Title:  Head-Mounted Displays - Bedingungen des sicheren und beanspruchungsoptimalen Einsatzes: Physische Beanspruchung beim Einsatz von HMDs

Written by:  S. Theis, C. Pfendler, T. Alexander, A. Mertens, C. Brandl, C. M. Schlick

1. edition.  Dortmund:  Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin, 2016. 
ISBN: 978-3-88261-162-5, pages: 162, Project number: F 2288, PDF file

Further Publications

Head-mounted displays - How to increase safety and reduce physical strain: Psychological strain while using HMDs

baua: Report 2016

(in German)

In this report two laboratory studies are described in detail which took place in the framework of the project F 2288 "Head-Mounted Displays - conditions for safe and strain-optimal use" conducted by the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health in Germany (BAuA). Focus of these studies …

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Further Information

Research Project

Project numberF 2288 StatusCompleted Project Head-Mounted Displays - Conditions for safe and healthy use

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Research completed