Safe machines with - or despite - artificial intelligence

In April, the European Commission produced a proposal not only for a regulation governing artificial intelligence, but also for a regulation concerning machinery products. This latter regulation, which is to include binding framework conditions for the use of artificial intelligence, is to replace the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC. The task is now to review whether these framework conditions contain complete, clear and verifiable requirements setting out in what cases and subject to what criteria safety-related functions of a machine may be performed automatically by artificial intelligence methods or under the influence of such methods. This article aims to provide corresponding information and suggestions.

Please download the original article "Sichere Maschinen mit - oder trotz - künstlicher Intelligenz" (in German).

An English translation of this article has been done by Commission for Occupational Health and Safety and Standardization (KAN):
Safe machines with - or despite - artificial intelligence (PDF, 142 KB)

Bibliographic information

Title:  Sichere Maschinen mit - oder trotz - künstlicher Intelligenz

Written by:  C. Mattiuzzo, S. Vock, T. Mössner, S. Voß

in: Arbeitsschutz in Recht und Praxis, Volume 2, Issue 6, 2021.  pages: 188-192, Project number: F 2497

Further Information

Research Project

Project numberF 2497 StatusOngoing Project Safety-related risk assessment of a cyber-physical model system for industry 4.0 applications

To the Project

Research ongoing