Physical strain and functioning: Suitability of the Norwegian Function Assessment Scale (NFAS) exemplified by "The Study of Mental Health at Work (S-MGA)"

  • Project number: F 2387
  • Institution: Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA)
  • Status: Completed Project


The goal of the project is to propose indicators for the description of functional limitations due to musculoskeletal disorders. Based on data from the "Study of mental health at work (S-MGA)" the validity and the benefit of a scale for measuring the functioning is examined in a representative sample of employees. The analysis of the "Norwegian Function Assessment Scale (NFAS) focuses on three areas: measurement of functioning on the basis of NFAS, the association of NFAS with work indicators and indicators of employability and health. In addition, an exploratory overview of methods for the objective assessment of physical functioning will be given.


Körperzwangshaltungen und Funktionsfähigkeit (NFAS-23): Veränderungen im 5-Jahres-Längsschnitt

Publishing year: 2019

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Application of the ICF based Norwegian Function Assessment Scale to employees in Germany

Publishing year: 2018

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Wirkung physischer und psychischer Arbeitsbelastung auf die reduzierte Norwegian Function Assessment Scale (NFAS-23)

Publishing year: 2018

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Norwegian Function Assessment Scale: Functional ability among employees with and without impairment

Publishing year: 2017

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Further Information


Unit 3.1 "Prevention of Work-related Diseases"

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