Manual "Risk assessment of mental work load"

  • Project number: F 2266
  • Status: Completed Project


The implementation of risk assessments at company level which focus on psychological factors becoming increasingly important, is unsatisfactory. There is also a lack of practicable instruments and approaches on this issue. Further barriers to the implementation of risk assessments on the part of companies are action uncertainty (in particular due to lack of competence on the issue of psychological load) and missing action readiness.

Against this background, a manual is to be developed with the following aims:

  • Compilation and description of selected analysis instruments and procedures for the risk assessment of mental work load, which worked practically and which at the same time consider the present state of scientific knowledge
  • Illustration of practical evidence and recommendations for success promising approaches (on the implementation of risk assessment of mental workload) in the form of examples of good practice.
  • Development and establishment, of minimum requirements on risk assessment of mental work load, considering also the national and European context, over the duration of the project
  • Needs for additional research and development will be derived on the basis of scientific evidence and from experiences from company level.

Target groups of the manual are company practitioners, human resources manager, occupational physicians and safety experts and external key stakeholders: The manual is to be published and arranged in a practice-orientated way, in order to be used as a reference book.


Gefährdungsbeurteilung psychischer Belastung

Publishing year: 2014

Suchergebnis_Format Book

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Gefährdungsbeurteilung bei psychischen Belastungen in Deutschland

Publishing year: 2012

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Stellenwert des Themas "psychische Belastungen" in der Aufsichts- und Beratungstätigkeit der Arbeitsschutzbehörden der Länder

Publishing year: 2011

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Gefährdungsbeurteilung bei psychischen Belastungen - Entwicklung eines Handbuches für die betriebliche Praxis

Publishing year: 2011

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Unit 3.2 "Mental Workload and Mental Health"

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