Over the past few years the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA) shifted the strategic focus of its research and development activities to major longer-term concerns. At the same time a clearer distinction has been drawn between and research and development activities. The aim of this realignment is to secure research and development permanently as the essential specialist basis for BAuA's core tasks of consultancy in scientific policy and the implementation of laws and regulations despite limited resources. It is also intended to expand such R&D systematically with a view to the future.
As from 2009 BAuA's research concentrates in the long term on subjects whose relevance is closely linked with the change in the world of work. BAuA's development activities tackle questions of policy, shaping of the legal framework in the European and national context, corporate practice and new knowledge in research. They also take the latter and, on the basis of BAuA's own research results and the current state of scientific knowledge, promptly incorporate it in solutions and products appropriate to the specific target groups.
Both scientific spheres of action, and in particular development, are also connected in terms of specialist concerns and personnel with BAuA's various transfer activities and programmes (model programme for work-related illnesses, INQA, participation in the Joint German Occupational Safety and Health Strategy etc.).
BAuA gives a detailed description of its major specialist concerns and activities within the framework of a research and development programme for the period 2010 - 2013.