F 1963 |
Ergonomic Design of VDUs in the production-sector - development of guidelines
F 2048 |
Methods for testing the usability of products by European and international comparison
F 2249 |
Ergonomic Design of Workstations with Visual Display Units in Control Rooms
F 2278 |
Effects on decision making and behaviour from "smart" protective clothing
F 2287 |
Investigation of fundamental causes of accidents, incidents and near misses (Root-Cause-Analysis) for the prevention in small and medium-sized enterprises
F 2288 |
Head-Mounted Displays - Conditions for safe and healthy use
F 2291 |
Decision-making aids for acquiring products conforming with health and safety and usability - II.1 "Validation and advancement of the usability compendium"
F 2313 |
Delphi survey: "Digital Ergonomics 2025 - Trends and strategies for increasing product usability and designing safe, healthy and efficient socio-technical work systems"
F 2320 |
Complex Control Center Operations - Assessing stress and designing workplaces
F 2327 |
Safe and healthy at work by Persuasive Technology? Experimental laboratory and field study on the effects of new forms of IT-based feedback at work
F 2348 |
Ergonomic navigator for aging- and age-friendly production (EngAge4Pro) - Digital recording and assessment of physical work loads in industrial work systems
F 2351 |
Individualized socio-technical workplace assistance for industrial production (INDIVA) - Designing individualized work assistance systems using digital human modeling
F 2359 |
Optimized workload in process control centres utilizing modern ICT equipment
F 2369 |
Team-Mental-Models in Human-Robot-Teams: Application Scenarios and State of Technology
F 2396 |
Digital Ergonomics: Virtual anthropometry for safe and ergonomic product and work system design
F 2412 |
Interactive personalized visualization in industrial processes using the example of the digital factory in electronics manufacturing (Glass@Service)
F 2419 |
Work assistance system for the individualization of work organization and training methods (AIM) - Development and validation a method for supplying context-sensitive information in production
F 2420 |
Preventive principles and methods of aging compatible and market-driven work system design in intralogistics (PREVILOG)
F 2421 |
Overall project: Didactical design and human factors evaluation of work assistance systems for safe working in complex situations in the steel industry (StahlAssist)
BAuA: Development of concepts for an application of smart devices that promotes learning
F 2424 |
Prevention for safe and healthy working with digital technologies (PräDiTec)
F 2433 |
Hybrid and intelligent human-robot collaboration - hybrid teams in adaptable, cyber-physical manufacturing environments (Hybr-iT)
F 2434 |
Elevator use and room entry for robots involving human assistance (FRAME) - Human-centered interaction concepts in occupational settings (MIkA)
F 2435 |
Potential analysis of coupled work-system design with ema and AnyBody models for ergonomic assessment
F 2444 |
Survey on dissemination and impact of digitalisation and change in employment in the world of work
F 2455 |
Cognitive Ergonomics of using ICT for Mobile Knowledge Work in public transportation
F 2466 |
Ergonomic evaluation of the long-term use of passive exoskeletons in the world of work
F 2472 |
Digital Technologies as a Resource for OSH in Service Professions
F 2494 |
Personalised Body Sensor Networks with Built-In Intelligence for Real-Time Risk Assessment and Coaching of Ageing workers, in all types of working and living environments (BIONIC)
F 2501 |
Object-related tasks
F 2502 |
Knowledge-based tasks
F 2506 |
Socio-Physical Interaction Skills for Cooperative Human-Robot Systems in Agile Production (SOPHIA)
F 2517 |
Secure AR-service platform for industrial manufacturing (secureAR)
F 2526 |
Overview of Policies, Research and Practices in Relation to Advanced Robotics and AI-based Systems for Automation of Tasks and Occupational Safety and Health