Perceived intensity in the lower back and neck-region caused by fore-and-aft vibrations - frequency weighting curves and relations to spinal forces calculated by FE-Models

Bibliografische Angaben

Titel:  Perceived intensity in the lower back and neck-region caused by fore-and-aft vibrations - frequency weighting curves and relations to spinal forces calculated by FE-Models

Verfasst von:  M. Schust, A. Kreisel, H. Seidel, R. Blüthner, B. Hinz

in: Proceedings of the 44nd United Kingdom Conference on Human Responses to Vibration, held at University of Loughborough, England, 07-09 September 2009, 2009.  Seiten: 77-98, Projektnummer: F 2077

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ProjektnummerF 2077 StatusAbgeschlossenes Projekt Experimentelle Grundlagen der Beurteilung der Wirkung von Ganzkörper-Schwingungen in x- und y-Richtung auf Gesundheit und Befinden

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