A one-item workability measure mediates work demands, individual resources and health in the prediction of sickness absence

Der gesamte Artikel kann in englischer Sprache von der Internetseite des Journals "International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health", Volume 86, Heft 7, S. 755-766 heruntergeladen werden: "A one-item workability measure mediates work demands, individual resources and health in the prediction of sickness absence" (ggfs. kostenpflichtig).

Bibliografische Angaben

Titel:  A one-item workability measure mediates work demands, individual resources and health in the prediction of sickness absence

Verfasst von:  S. V. Thorsen, H. Burr, F. Diderichsen, J. B. Bjorner

in: International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, Volume 86, Heft 7, 2013.  Seiten: 755-766, DOI: 10.1007/s00420-012-0807-z