Effects of isolated and combined exposures to whole-body vibration and noise on auditory-event related brain potentials and psychophysical assessment
Der gesamte Artikel kann in englischer Sprache von der Internetseite des "European Journal of Applied Physiology and Occupational Physiology", Volume 65, Ausgabe 4, S. 376-382 heruntergeladen werden: "Effects of isolated and combined exposures to whole-body vibration and noise on auditory-event related brain potentials and psychophysical assessment" (ggfs. kostenpflichtig).
Bibliografische Angaben
Titel: Effects of isolated and combined exposures to whole-body vibration and noise on auditory-event related brain potentials and psychophysical assessment.
in: European Journal of Applied Physiology and Occupational Physiology, Volume 65, Ausgabe 4, 1992. Seiten: 376-382, DOI: 10.1007/BF00868144