Occupational Health Care in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises - Introduction of Services to Craftsmen by Using Their Professional Networks

Der gesamte Artikel kann in englischer Sprache von der Internetseite des "International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics", Volume 5, Ausgabe 4, S. 581-584 heruntergeladen werden: "Occupational Health Care in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises - Introduction of Services to Craftsmen by Using Their Professional Networks" (ggfs. kostenpflichtig).

Bibliografische Angaben

Titel:  Occupational Health Care in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises - Introduction of Services to Craftsmen by Using Their Professional Networks. 

Verfasst von:  B. Froneberg, U. Boldt

in: International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, Volume 5, Ausgabe 4, 1999.  Seiten: 581-584, DOI: 10.1080/10803548.1999.11076439